
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Sri Lankan envoy denies war crimes claims

Sri Lankan envoy denies war crimes claims The Australian Federal Police is considering a submission that Sri Lanka's high commissioner to Australia, former navy Admiral Thisara Samarasinghe, was involved in war crimes. Fairfax reports the submission, from the International Commission of ... Sri Lankan envoy denies war crimes claims

Lorenzo se cayó en calentamiento y fue operado "con éxito" en un dedo

Lorenzo se cayó en calentamiento y fue operado "con éxito" en un dedo El piloto español Jorge Lorenzo (Yamaha), vigente campeón mundial de MotoGP, renunció a disputar el Gran Premio de Australia este domingo tras sufrir una dura caída en el 'warm up' previo, que obligó a una operación "con éxito" en uno de sus dedos. ... Lorenzo se cayó en calentamiento y fue operado "con éxito" en un dedo

BMW driving rolled wounding clamor: I am the people's representatives

BMW driving rolled wounding clamor: I am the people's representatives Nantong City, Jiangsu Tongzhou District CPPCC Qin Jiandong, the day before yesterday morning, are forbidden to drive a BMW car driving into the area of ​​a kindergarten door, rolling a matriarch foot injury. Traffic police to deal with events, Qin went so far as to traffic police shouting: "I am the people's representatives! A BMW I can spend the money kill you!" Western network reports, witness the boss said, the theory matriarch to find the owner, the police on duty swung before the ...BMW driving rolled wounding clamor: I am the people's representatives

Environmental Media Association honors green shows By The Associated Press ...

Environmental Media Association honors green shows By The Associated Press ... The Environmental Media Association has recognized six Hollywood productions for spreading the word about going green. Warner Bros.' animated "Yogi Bear" and the documentary "Revenge of the Electric Car" were honored Saturday night at the group's 21st ... Environmental Media Association honors green shows By The Associated Press ...

Modi begins one-day fast at Dwarka

Modi begins one-day fast at Dwarka Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today began the second round of his Sadhbhavna mission by holding a day-long fast in this religious town in Jamnagar district. To counter Modi's fast, Congress MP from Jamnagar Vikram Madam is holding a parallel ... Modi begins one-day fast at Dwarka

Taiwan to donate liver and kidney donation a brother and sister Relay to save the mother 20 years (Figure)

Taiwan to donate liver and kidney donation a brother and sister Relay to save the mother 20 years (Figure) WASHINGTON Taiwan News: Taiwan's 68-year-old son ill-fated woman Jane King, 20 years ago, kidney failure, his son donated a kidney to save the mother; 8 years ago, but her kidney problems, daughter kidney donation. In June, Jane King cirrhosis dying son, daughter, decided to donate the liver, sons and daughters, said these things to them as natural as breathing! ...Taiwan to donate liver and kidney donation a brother and sister Relay to save the mother 20 years (Figure)

苹果iOS5被指"摘果子" 因封闭性或被谷歌超越

苹果iOS5被指"摘果子" 因封闭性或被谷歌超越 据中国之声《央广新闻》报道,苹果ios5自打面世以后,有人就认为这个系统窃取了不少他人的成果,更有人把苹果的这一行为与微软与网景公司关于浏览器市场的垄断诉讼相提并论。 有一些应用被认为非常像安卓的系统,在新的 ... 苹果iOS5被指"摘果子" 因封闭性或被谷歌超越

<포토뉴스> 미쓰에이 수지, 너무 수줍어~

<포토뉴스> 미쓰에이 수지, 너무 수줍어~ 걸그룹 미쓰에이 수지가 15일 오후 대구광역시 대구 스타디움에서 열린 '2011 아시아송페스티벌'에서 멋진 공연을 펼치고 있다. The '2011 Asia Song Festival in Korea, as well as Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Asia's top six countries, representing 13 artists.<포토뉴스> 미쓰에이 수지, 너무 수줍어~


微博联播的微博 微博联播: #北京马拉松赛部分路段交通管制# 北京今日上午举行马拉松赛,部分路段临时交通管制,天安门广场东侧路、由复兴门桥经西二环路东侧辅路、二里沟路口经车公庄西路、由慈寿寺桥经蓝靛厂南路、由火器营桥(不含 ... 微博联播的微博


23.1万美元财产:野田成为日本最穷首相 日本首相野田佳彦14日公开家庭财产1774万日元(约合23.1万美元),成为自1984年内阁成员财产申报制度实施以来的"最穷首相"。 野田家庭资产包括他位于千叶县、价值1514万日元的住宅和土地,他和妻子野田仁实总计260万日 ... 23.1万美元财产:野田成为日本最穷首相

Farah: may vary

Farah: may vary "Big four" solution, the original "digital camera" wireless singing members, including Myolie Wu, Fala Chen, Linda Chung and Lin Xintong concerts and other opportunities will be thin, but yesterday a group sing of "sister class" actually is a good thing against said! Myolie said that this four and wireless ice, more people can make music and diversity, the whole matter even more exciting: "I actually Nuisance-what impact, because I am busy filming it for two years, has been reduced .. .Farah: may vary

Chávez dice viajará a Cuba en próximas horas para exámenes “de verificación”

Chávez dice viajará a Cuba en próximas horas para exámenes El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, dijo hoy que viajará en las "próximas horas" a Cuba para someterse a exámenes "de verificación" tras las cuatro fases de quimioterapia que le practicaron luego de que le extirparan un tumor canceroso en junio ... Chávez dice viajará a Cuba en próximas horas para exámenes "de verificación"


男子エペ団体で日本は10位/フェンシング フェンシングの世界選手権第7日は15日、イタリアのカターニアで団体の2種目を行い、男子エペの日本(萩原、見延、西田、坂本)は3回戦で世界ランキング4位の韓国に40-42で逆転負けし、ベスト8進出を逃した。順位決定戦で10位となった。 ... 男子エペ団体で日本は10位/フェンシング

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