
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Deutsche Frauen vor Playoff-Einzug

Deutsche Frauen vor Playoff-EinzugDie deutschen Curling-Frauen haben bei der EM in Moskau den Einzug in die Playoff-Finalrunde dicht vor Augen. Die Auswahl des SC Riessersee um Spielführerin ...Deutsche Frauen vor Playoff-Einzug

Madigan calls House special session for Sears/CME vote

Madigan calls House special session for Sears/CME voteSpeaker Michael Madigan has called the Illinois House into special session Monday reportedly to vote on tax break legislation to keep CME Group and Sears ...Madigan calls House special session for Sears/CME vote

Councils get power to influence satnav systems

Councils get power to influence satnav systemsCouncils get power to influence satnav systemsCouncils will be given powers to decide how roads in their area appear on satnav systems. By David Millward, Transport Editor Changes announced by Norman ...Councils get power to influence satnav systems

Letti flessibili e chat in pronto soccorso,la 'Buonasanita''

Letti flessibili e chat in pronto soccorso,la 'Buonasanita''(ANSA) - ROMA, 06 DIC - Dall'ospedale con i letti 'swing' o 'flessibili' per far fronte all'iperafflusso improvviso al pronto soccorso alla chat per dare in ...Letti flessibili e chat in pronto soccorso,la 'Buonasanita''

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